Can We Do Raise Craze Again?

Remember, Kindness is Timeless

We sometimes get asked the question, “Can we do Raise Craze multiple years in a row?”

The resounding answer is, YES! …and here’s why and how:

The heart of Raise Craze is all about kindness, and while kindness never gets old, there are ways to keep your fundraiser fresh year after year. 

Make Raise Craze an annual tradition. Close your fundraiser by asking your students to keep practicing kindness throughout the year AND be thinking about how they can make an even bigger impact next year!


Refresh Your Week of Service With These Ideas!

  • Chalking sidewalks with kind messages

  • Cleaning classrooms and making a thank-you note for custodial staff

  • Cleaning lunch tables and thanking the food-service staff

  • Thanking bus drivers, crossing guards, or car greeters with sweet notes or cards

  • Making cards for children at local hospitals

  • Painting kindness rocks to create a school garden

  • Making placemats for Meals on Wheels

  • Thanking first responders or servicemen and women

Pick A New Closing Activity

  • Popsicles on the Playground

  • Dance Party in the Gym

  • Glow Party

  • Admin Lip Sync Battle

  • Outsource a Fun Activity with Your Proceeds (author visit, a magic show, an on-campus zoo visit, an obstacle course, or bounce houses with carnival-style games.)

Principal CRAZE-Y Activity - A fun way to top it all off!

Mix it up by having each class submit a vote for what they would like to see the principal do. Host a fun drawing to keep the excitement high. (Pro-tip: Let the principal privately pick from the submissions in advance and “draw” their preference for a win-win!) 

AND IF YOU NEED to mix it up even more…

Spread the love and consider working with different charities each year for your school-wide acts of kindness collections. Poll your admin and staff for suggestions. It not only takes the stress off of you to decide, but it also helps them feel more connected to the fundraising experience overall. 

Last Thing - WE PROMISE! :-)

Changing up incentives can also build fresh excitement around participation efforts!

For more tips and fresh ideas, join our private Facebook community group to be inspired by other leaders!

Celebrating Mother's Day With Acts of Kindness

As the calendar turns to May, hearts around the world warm up to the celebration of Mother's Day. It's a day when we honor the unconditional love, sacrifices, and unwavering support that mothers shower upon us. Let’s join together and express gratitude and appreciation for all of the sweet, amazing moms out there! 

Acts of Kindness for the Littles: 

  1. Handmade Card: Help kids create a heartfelt card with colorful markers and stickers.

  2. Breakfast Surprise: Assist kids in making simple breakfast treats like toast with jam and a glass of juice.

  3. Flower Bouquet: Gather wildflowers or pick flowers from the garden to make a small bouquet.

  4. Chore Assistance: Encourage kids to help with easy tasks like setting the table or folding laundry.

  5. Memory Book: Use construction paper to make a mini scrapbook filled with drawings and photos.

  6. Handprint Art: Create adorable handprint art using non-toxic paint on paper or a canvas.

  7. Planting Together: Plant seeds or small plants in pots or a garden bed together.

  8. Storytime Tribute: Write a short note or draw a picture about why mom is special.

  9. Kitchen Creations: Bake cookies or cupcakes using a simple recipe with basic ingredients.

  10. Outdoor Adventure: Plan a nature scavenger hunt or picnic in a local park.

Acts of Kindness for Teens: 

  1. Day of Pampering: Create an at-home spa day with DIY facials using natural ingredients like yogurt and honey.

  2. Homemade Meal: Cook a favorite family recipe together or make sandwiches and salads for a picnic.

  3. DIY Personalized Gifts: Design a photo collage or frame using printed pictures and craft supplies.

  4. Technology Time Capsule: Record short video messages or compile photos into a slideshow.

  5. Concert or Show Tickets: Look for free or affordable local events or stream a live performance online.

  6. Volunteer Together: Offer to help neighbors with yard work or assist at a local animal shelter.

  7. Outdoor Adventure: Go for a bike ride, hike, or have a picnic in a nearby green space.

  8. Memory Lane Drive: Take a scenic drive and reminisce about past family vacations or favorite spots.

  9. Personalized Playlist: Create a playlist of mom's favorite songs or compile a mix of family favorites.

  10. Movie Marathon: Have a movie night at home with popcorn and a selection of mom's favorite films.

The Spirit of Raise Craze

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Founded by parents, Raise Craze was created as a fun, meaningful alternative to the annual school fundraiser. Since the beginning, we have aimed to keep inclusivity, kindness, and fundraiser success at the heart of everything we do. 


First, our strongest desire is to get rid of the divide between those who can and cannot raise money. This division often presents itself during a traditional fundraiser - as most participants are only recognized for their ability to bring in donations.

Everything we recommend, from our incentive plans to our traveling classroom trophy, sets the tone that ALL students are equal regardless of their ability to raise money. Kids cannot control their socioeconomic status, but they can control how kind they are. We encourage all leaders to keep this at the forefront of their fundraising efforts. Let’s unite our school communities together by celebrating all of our students! 


To say the world needs more kindness is an understatement these days. We believe that the best thank you for a donation is a thoughtful act of kindness for someone else - this is a way to pay their donor’s generosity forward. Instilling gratitude and service in young kids will create awesome citizens that help strengthen our communities. For this reason, we encourage leaders to help students reflect on the impact they can have.

Our recommended goal of 3-5 acts of kindness per student is a reasonable target over the 2-3 week fundraiser - one that puts the focus on helping others in an intentional way without overwhelming parents and students.

Goals and friendly competitions are fun, but we also want to encourage leaders to shine the brightest light on those acts of kindness that truly make a big impact - quality over quantity :-). The Acts of Kindness Report exists so that those extraordinary acts are easily identified. We also think it’s very kind to lift the burdens on our teachers by only asking them to encourage participation and kindness. 

Fundraiser Success

We’ve always stood firm in the belief that schools, groups, teams, and organizations should keep as much of the money they raise as possible. Our program is designed in such a way that you really can have the best of both worlds: inclusivity while still meeting your financial goals.

Our email-based approach allows for reach beyond your immediate friends and neighbors to potential donors all across the world! And the great news, emails work! Here are a few stats:

Students that send between: 

1-4 emails = $70 average raised

5-9 emails = $147 average raised

10+emails = $260+ average raised

The average amount kept is 93% of gross earnings

Asking families to send emails also feels more empowering than asking for a dollar amount to raise, which can often feel crushing to families who are struggling financially. Most parents feel proud to ask for donations through email knowing the acts of kindness their child plans to do are on full display to donors. Our platform also supports text requests and social media sharing.

thank you

At the end of the day, the biggest piece of advice we can give is to keep it simple. We know the funds will come if you focus on participation, kindness, and inclusivity first! 

We are so thankful for each of our leaders! We’re constantly inspired by their ability to guide their participants toward a brighter world ❤️

Before You Leave for Summer! Summer Planning Checklist

Here are some simple tasks to help jumpstart your fall fundraiser!


  • Identify Raise Craze Leads 💜 These positions can be split among 3 different volunteers or performed by the Fundraising Chair

    • Acts of Kindness

    • Incentives

    • Communications

  • Set Dates

    • Kick Off Assembly

    • Closing Celebration

    • Faculty & Staff Meeting

    • Family Service Night or Week of Service (optional, but highly encouraged!)

  • Set Goals

    • Financial Goal

    • Acts of Kindness Goal

    • What will the funds raised be used for?

  • Set Fundraiser Budget for Out-of-Pocket Costs

    • Incentives - fun, new incentives at our one-stop shop! (optional)

    • Promotional Kit - printed promotional materials shipped to you! (optional, but highly recommended!)

    • QR Code Registration Stickers - stickers to hand out at kick-off! This will allow for easy registration from parents :-) (optional, but highly recommended!)

  • Finalize Your Upcoming PTA/PTO Meeting Dates

    • June/July Meeting

    • August Meeting


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Let’s face it, it’s a super weird time, but we’re here for you! We’re answering our most common COVID-related fundraiser questions. It may look different this year, but we’re still here to help you be a smashing success!

We are virtual or hybrid, how can I communicate to reach all parents and students?

Start Early! We recommend using the following to really get the word out! You can find all of these resources within your account - no need to start from scratch :) 

  • Utilize our Save-the-Date Flyer and Social Media teaser posts a couple of weeks ahead of your launch. Continue to use our social media posts & graphics throughout to continue the hype!

  • Parent Email Templates - be sure to send them out by your main school channel!

  • If you are able to utilize AM/PM Announcements, do it. It’s a great way to share results and encourage participation along the way. 

  • Finally, consider our Digital Banners and Digital Kindness Tree for simple, yet impactful, recognition —> you can access these within in our Experience Based Incentive Plan. 

What about incentives, are they possible? 

Yes! We offer two robust incentives plans - Our Physical Incentive Plan & Our Experience-Based Incentive Plan. We recommend having a conversation with your administration after reviewing our suggestions.  

If you are virtual and would like to distribute tangible prizes, make a plan for delivery or pick-up. 

If you opt for our Experienced Based Plan (which is awesome, by the way :-)), be sure to speak with teachers about how these prizes will be rewarded. It is more important than ever to be mindful of logistics. 

We can’t have assemblies, how can we celebrate our kick-off and closing?

We’ve got you covered! Use our script and show our How It Works video that is engaging and helps students to understand what Raise Craze is all about and how to register. 

Prefer to create your own video? No problem! We have a script to help you make your own if you want to show a familiar face or do something silly. Want to streamline even further? Launch your fundraiser with a Carline Kick Off — hold fun signs, dress in silly costumes, etc. Be sure to play our How It Works video once students are in the classroom! Voila!

Utilize our Closing Presentation to recognize your results, top students, and classes. We still think it’s important that your principal does something CRAZE-Y :) Just be sure to record it for all students to see. Having a drive-by parade to pick up a small treat is a fun alternative to your standard assembly. 

Any other tips?

YES! Join our Facebook Community to hear from other leaders just like you who are planning through COVID. Reach out for support. Our Raise Craze team is happy to brainstorm ideas and talk through your specific needs and challenges to make sure you are confident and ready to launch! 

Partners in Kindness: Triangle Senior Year

That’s right -- SENIOR YEAR *cue dread*. What if we told you that the impending doom of your student’s upcoming senior year wasn’t necessary at all? Enter one of our partners in kindness, Triangle Senior Year

Led by Julie Stallman, Triangle Senior Year was created for parents to ease all the tensions that come along with your student’s Senior Year of High School. Julie has scoured the internet and her network to find solutions to all of your senior year woes - that means assistance with applying to college, graduation guides, as well as a business/vendor guide for all of the needs that may come up -- even fundraising - we hear there’s a really cool kindness fundraiser listed on there ;-)! 

Triangle Senior Year also has a super active Pinterest to serve you with even more inspiration. We are proud to partner with this awesome company to be a resource for high schoolers. Be sure to check them out!!

Tips for Spring Fundraisers


It’s hard to believe 2020 will be ending soon and spring is right around the corner! With that in mind, we wanted to give you tips for planning your Spring fundraiser during uncertain times.

Tip #1 – Go.For.It.

When our fall fundraiser chairs were asked to provide one piece of advice to share with those thinking about fundraising in the future, the overwhelming response was “Just do it!” There is never going to be a fool-proof time to launch a fundraiser, but during times of uncertainty, sometimes you just have to set a date and put your best foot forward!

Tip #2 – Plan Early & Be Flexible

Planning in advance is always a good idea, but if you are unsure whether you will be in-person or virtual, it will be to your benefit to have a set of plans for best and worst-case scenarios! It sounds complicated, but with our planning tools and resources, pivoting is easy. Let us help you prepare for any situation!

Tip #3 – Timing

Spring fundraisers are typically more successful starting early February and before spring break. This gives families time to recover financially from holiday spending but before they set their sights on the school year ending and spring travel. There are also a couple of awesome dates to help you promote your fundraiser! February is an especially sweet month with Valentine’s Day, February 14th and Random Acts of Kindness Day, February 17th. 

Tip #4 – Don’t Reinvent The Wheel

Our proven tools and resources will set you up for success - no matter your school’s COVID situation :-) We have pre-recorded Kick Off Video, Social-Distancing Acts of Kindness, Virtual Incentives Plans, Virtual Banners, Social Media Templates, and more! 

Tip #5 - Collaborate With Other Kindness Leaders

Join our private Facebook Group to hear from real leaders like you! 

We also offer weekly webinars with two offerings: an “overview” for people wanting to learn more about how Raise Craze works and a “deep dive” for people who are in the process of planning their fundraiser. Register here!

Should I Lower My Fundraising Goal This Year Due to COVID?

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The questions around fundraising goals continue to swirl for leaders as they strive to balance sensitivity towards families that may have been financially impacted while also meeting their organization’s needs. 

If you are struggling with this valid concern, here are a few tips to help you land on something you’re comfortable with.

Evaluate Your True Monetary Need

Often, organizations have similar goals year over year. Therefore budgets are mostly tweaked, and the amount of money needed to meet those goals is well-vetted from years past. Start by looking at your budget and adjusting anything that will either be eliminated, limited, or has increased costs due to COVID. Identifying changes and drilling down to your actual needs will help you to move forward confidently with your ask!

Will You Alter Your Annual Fundraising Strategy?

When leaders ask about what they can expect to raise fundraising with Raise Craze, I always have a counter-question, “Is this going to be your primary fundraiser, or do you plan multiple throughout the year?” I am finding that more leaders are either unable to execute most normal fundraising activities or are unsure. If you usually have multiple fundraisers, it may be worth considering scaling back the number of fundraisers this year and focusing on just one or fewer asks rather than lowering your goal. 


Communication is everything!

Work on defining the causes you are fundraising for to better resonate with donors. 

  1. Example Cause - Teacher supplies 
    More Defined Cause - To provide teachers with PPE and sanitation supplies for classrooms.

  2. Example Cause - Technology Needs
    More Defined Cause - To provide 300 Chromebooks for virtual learners.

You get the idea! Ask yourself, would you be more willing to give if you better understand how your donation will be utilized? 

Be transparent! When introducing a fundraiser, it’s OKAY to let donors know if you have greater needs this year, if you aren’t going to be able to accomplish as much due to COVID, or if you will have just one or fewer fundraisers, definitely let them know!

Should We Fundraise Now?

💜 Let’s foster a strong community!

💜 Let’s foster a strong community!

Many organizations are wondering how they can support their school or team this fall. Many are also wondering if it's appropriate to fundraise at all during a time when many families have suffered financially. We have put together a list for you as leaders to consider as you navigate your way through uncertain times.

It takes a village… and you are a village leader!

Because many families are struggling financially as we head into a new school year, providing an outlet for those that can and want to give is crucial. Fundraising provides a way to directly impact families in the community that need the help and allows them to receive it in a dignified way.

Think about what you CAN do as an organization, instead of what might be off the table.

Many things that organizations typically raise funds for, like trips, events, activities, and capital improvements, may be on hold...BUT there may be new and different needs that can be met with your help. Consider things like increased technology needs, health and nutritional needs, and students' social and emotional health.

Don't let community building take a backseat!

No doubt, social distancing has taken a toll on everyone. Engaging your community in ways they can give back or feel a part of a bigger cause (even virtually) can help maintain a sense of community that everyone is so desperately missing. 

Be the GOOD News!

Who couldn't use a feel-good story right now?? Creating lemonade from a whole lot of lemons may be the very thing your community needs to be a part of and see. Decide the impact you want to make, GO FOR IT, and spread the good news of the result to all who need to be encouraged. You just might find that your impact far exceeds your initial expectation. 

Finally, the worst that can happen is that you have a POSITIVE impact on the community!! Be encouraged, YOU were built for this and we can help!

With Raise Craze

  • You keep 90%+ of what you raise

  • There are NO contracts to sign

  • NO Selling

  • Flexible start and end dates

MOST IMPORTANTLY - everyone can participate and spread kindness! Yay!

What If We’re Virtual?


On-site, online or perhaps a combination of both? Regardless of where your students are learning this fall, Raise Craze has got you covered.

From virtual Kick-Off presentations to social-distancing-approved Acts of Kindness, here’s how our program preps you for fundraising success!


With kindness at its core, Raise Craze builds community & connections - wherever students are this Fall.

Virtual Kick-Off

Videos combined with email & social media templates deliver Raise Craze to your students anywhere, anytime.

Remote Participation

Student sign-up is quick & easy using a smartphone or computer. Personal websites make real-time tracking fun!

Electronic Efficiency

Click-of-a-button donation requests with automatic reminders make distance fundraising simple. Email, social media and’s all there! 

Social Distancing Approved Acts of Kindness

Students stay safe while making the world a better place...from home or school.

Start planning your fundraiser now with the peace of mind that you can adjust your plans as you go. Whether you host your fundraiser completely online or mix in on-campus elements, Raise Craze gives you the flexibility to move forward with confidence.

With kindness as the focus, it’s sure to be a success! 💜

Second Year With Raise Craze & Holy Souls’ Numbers Climb!

This PreK-8 school has been a Raise Craze champion from the beginning. They easily adopted our program and made it their own, getting parents, faculty, and administration on board from the get-go. Holy Souls Catholic School made the switch to Raise Craze in 2018 after searching for an alternative to their annual fun run. Following much success in 2018, they decided to keep the kindness going in 2019 as well! 

“In all honesty, I wouldn't have been surprised if we had a slight dip in fundraising from the previous year, but I was blown away to have such a great increase in both funds raised,  Acts of Kindness completed, and most importantly the energy, excitement and participation levels were through the roof. So many kids, parents, and teachers were engaged this year,” stated their fundraiser’s organizer. 

In addition to creating buzz and excitement around campus, the school completed some pretty amazing acts of service that they showcased at their Family Acts of Kindness event including:

  1. Helping a sewing ministry sort and cut materials to make baby layettes

  2. Making Thank You Cards for nurses, 1st responders, and priests

  3. Decorating lunch bags for Meals on Wheels

  4. Making Blessing Bags for the homeless

  5. CHALKING THE WALK! Sharing inspirational quotes and messages on various sidewalks throughout the community

Because of their tremendous success, this school got the attention of other schools in the area who are now using Raise Craze as well. Talk about kindness being SUPER CONTAGIOUS! Thank you, Holy Souls, for doing such an amazing job paying it forward to others in your community and beyond!

First Year Results

Raised: $64,589
Kept: $60,166 (93%)
AOK Completed: 3,591

Second Year Results

Raised: $76,783 
Kept: $71,933 (94%)
AOK Completed: 5,520 

Tips From The Pros!

Faculty / Administration Support

Get your school’s faculty and administration excited and on board by introducing them to Raise Craze prior to launch. This is crucial to your fundraiser’s success!

*Our School Presentation Materials (including a Faculty Meeting Script) make it easy to explain how Raise Craze works and what to expect during the campaign. Teachers can be involved as little or as much as they’d like, but we must say, spreading kindness is GREAT character education! 


Get faculty, parents, and students on board early using our Save-the-Date flyer and social media teaser posts. Be sure to communicate that this is your big fundraising push for the year so everyone will put their best foot forward! 

*We provide you with templates GALORE! From AM/PM announcements to copy & paste email and social media posts - it’s all there!

Exciting Visuals

Posters, yard signs, goal thermometers and more! Be sure to deck out your school (inside & out) with awesome visuals to introduce Raise Craze AND to keep everyone engaged throughout your campaign. Wacky costumes and posters during carline are a great way to get your parents’ attention!

*We provide you with ready-to-print files - simply order locally or online.

Kick-Off Celebration

Kick off your Raise Craze fundraiser by hosting our fun (and easy!) school-wide assembly. Be sure to promote this ahead of time so your students are super pumped up to get started!. 

* Our turnkey Kick-Off Presentation has everything you need to ensure your assembly is a HUGE success! :)

Community-Centered Acts of Kindness

Amp up your participation level with Acts of Kindness that speak to your school community. Whether collecting donations for your local humane society or decorating placemats for Meals on Wheels - serving together for a common cause promotes unity and teamwork

*Rest assured, you’re not starting with a blank slate. We provide you with an extensive list of suggested Acts of Kindness to get the wheels turning!

Friendly Competition

Stir up some friendly competition among classrooms! Use a fun, wacky, inexpensive “trophy” to travel from classroom-to-classroom depending on which class is in the lead. This works great for tracking money raised or number of completed Acts of Kindness. 

*To keep everyone in-the-know about this fun competition, be sure to promote your school’s custom Leaderboard Link using our ready-to-go email and social media templates.

Closing Celebration

Celebrate your success and reward your kindness leaders with a memorable Closing Celebration! Top it off by having your principal or a beloved faculty member do something CRAZE-Y!

*Our recommended Incentive Plan is full of one-of-a-kind ideas!!!

High School Marching Band Comes Out On Top Raising Over $39K!

When we say that Raise Craze is a one-size-fits-all fundraiser, we really mean it! Case in point: Cypress Woods High School Marching Band. Having tried other online fundraisers in the past, they were blown away by their success with Raise Craze, making it the most successful fundraiser in the band’s history.  

Participation from band members was key. By setting up groups within our platform, the campaign organizer was able to encourage a little friendly competition.. The band directors also encouraged participation by giving students a few minutes during class to enter emails. To top it all off, the group that raised the most money was able to throw a pie in their favorite band director’s face. Talk about some high school motivation! 

One of the coolest things we learned about the Cypress Woods Marching Band fundraiser naturally came from one of its students. Having not received any donations yet, this student took to Instagram to reach out to one of his favorite local rappers. After explaining the cause, the rapper ended up donating $500! Musicians helping musicians - so empowering! 

Fundraiser Breakdown:

Earned: $39,868

Kept: $37,714 (95%)

Act of Kindness: Performing a day of service at Mission of Yahweh women's shelter and playing for their residents

Wilkerson Intermediate Middle School Rocks Raise Craze & Forms NEW Kindness Club!

Middle school fundraising can be a challenge as compared to elementary school, yet, parent groups are still pressed to raise much-needed funds throughout the year. Well, Wilkerson Intermediate proved that Raise Craze not only works (but rocks!) for middle schools. For the second year in a row, they raised over $15,000 and kept 93% of their earnings.

One key takeaway when fundraising for middle schools is keeping it super simple for families to participate. Chances are, they have a lot going on already, so if you want high participation rates, make it easy for students to complete acts of kindness at school. Wilkerson did just that by creating a suggested list of acts of kindness that included: 

  • Donation drives (sending in old linens for the animal shelter, canned goods, gently used? coats, art supplies, etc.)

  • In-school acts of kindness (filling Breakfast Bags for Meals on Wheels, helping clean the lunchroom, sending letters to military service members, etc.)

“Our PTO did a lot of research on different fundraising programs and Raise Craze really checked all the boxes for us: cost very little in terms of operational expenses and overhead, promoted positivity and kindness in our school, and enabled all students to participate regardless of their ability to raise money,” said Melissa, Wilkerson’s Fundraiser Chair. 

Their school was so inspired after the fundraiser that they formed the Wilkerson Kindness Krewe! This student-led club meets weekly to plan and spread kindness throughout the year. 

Well done, Wildcats! 

Fundraiser Breakdown

Raised: $15,725

Kept: $14,642 (93%)

Acts of Kindness Completed: 1,352

Raise Craze Is College Bound!

We’re so proud to announce that Raise Craze is going to college! That’s right - the Arizona State (ASU) chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha, our first greek organization, launched a Raise Craze fundraiser and totally knocked it out of the park! 

Every Spring, Lambda Chi Alpha chapters across America hold their traditional Watermelon Bust to  raise funds for their philanthropy - Feeding America. This year, the ASU chapter wanted to go above and beyond by doing a supplemental fundraiser in the fall. Typically, the Watermelon Bust brings in around $8,000. With Raise Craze alone, they raised over $12,000, which puts them on track to break the national record for philanthropy!

To give back to their community, the fraternity brothers served in various ways including packing food for the homeless at a food distribution center and sending emails of appreciation to old professors. We are so pleased to know that our program can help all groups - big, small, young, and old. Way to go, Lambda Chi Alpha - you guys rock!

Fundraiser Breakdown: 

Earned: $12,230

Kept: $11,691 (96%)

Acts of Kindness Completed: 54

How Tehaleh Heights STEM-ified Their Raise Craze Fundraiser!

For the second year in a row, Tehaleh Heights Elementary kicked off their Raise Craze fundraiser with a fun and exciting STEM-focused twist! 

This Washington State school is on the cutting edge of innovation and made sure that their Raise Craze campaign reflected just that. Here are a few of the ways these “trailblazers” were able to incorporate learning while spreading kindness!

Kindness Coins Tracked Via Google Maps

When students received a Kindness Coin, they were encouraged to pay it forward by recognizing someone else who was kind to them. Many students mailed their kindness coin to a family member or loved one in a different state. If you received a coin, you were encouraged to log it on their awesome website so it would appear on the Google Map!

Custom Kindness Coins were designed by their PTA and printed through 4Imprint under the product name, “Wooden Nickels”

Custom Kindness Coins were designed by their PTA and printed through 4Imprint under the product name, “Wooden Nickels”

Goal Tracker On Space-Themed Pulley System

To track their donations and acts of kindness, they created an amazing space-themed pulley system that doubled as a goal tracker. Each day, they updated the chart by launching the spaceship higher and higher.. These “everyday engineers” are so creative!


Bar Graph Paper Chains for Acts of Kindness


In addition to tracking their completed acts of kindness in the software, the students went one step further by tracking them via paper chains as well. As they watched the chains grow during the fundraiser, they were motivated and excited to keep the kindness going!

FunDraiser Breakdown

2nd Year with Raise Craze
Kept: $37,765 (94%)
# AOK: 2,530

The 3 Things Our Most Successful Fundraisers Do!

Want to get the most out of your fall fundraiser? We don't blame you! Here are the top 3 factors that distinguish the best from the rest. Trust us, you can do this too!

  • Plan Early - Hold 2-3 low-key planning meetings over the summer. This gets your group on the same page so they're not overwhelmed when schools starts. Follow our helpful planning tools to make sure everything is covered! :-)

  • Launch Early - Launch your fundraiser in September/October when everyone is fresh and excited to be back! Your fundraiser is more likely to get lost in the holiday shuffle if you wait until November & December.

  • Go BIG! - Communicate to parents and faculty that this is the biggest fundraiser of the year and that, if you reach your goal, you won't need to do additional fundraising. Hooray!


Random Acts of Kindness Week!

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Yay! It’s that time of year again - time to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week. Oh, and Valentine’s Day! Can you feel all the love and excitement?! We sure can! To help make this month even more special, we’ve compiled a fun little printable calendar. This calendar has easy yet meaningful acts of kindness to do durning the week of Valentine’s Day and Random Acts of Kindness week.

We’ve also listed some additional resources below so you can build in different things during the entire month. Hooray for February!

Your Free Gratitude Printable

Let’s Celebrate Gratitude!

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In celebration of World Kindness Day, we wanted to give you a fun Gratitude Printable! This printable contains Acts of Kindness that you can do throughout November (and the rest of the year) to celebrate gratitude with your kids, students or players!

Best part? These were all Acts of Kindness that were completed throughout the fall during different Raise Craze fundraisers. How cool is that?! So go on, take note from these kind folks and spread gratitude throughout your community.

  1. Donating your Halloween candy to deployed troops through Operation Gratitude (Roosevelt Elementary, MI)

  2. Making a fun little thank you kit to hand out to your bus driver (Madison’s Trust Elementary, VA)

  3. Leaving a thank you note for your mail carrier & trash collector (A lot of our schools! One of our favorites - so simple, yet so impactful!)

  4. Reminding a friend of 3 reasons why you like them and enjoy being their friend (Holy Souls School, AR)

  5. Helping your parents by setting the table for dinner (Tennessee Rumble Baseball
    Team, TN)

  6. Leaving love notes to your family around the house (Baker Elementary, TX)

  7. Making paper flowers to give to your local senior center (Ketterlinus Elementary, FL)

  8. Sharing a book with a friend or another student in class (Scintilla Charter Academy, GA)

  9. Donating lunches to Uncle Pete’s Sack Lunches or your local homeless shelter (Franklin Elementary, IL)

  10. Volunteering at an animal shelter (Herrick Middle School, IL)

  11. Telling your principal how great your teacher is (Canton Intermediate School, CT)

  12. Volunteering at a local community event (Deering High School Boys Soccer, ME)

  13. Collecting canned goods for Helpline House or your local food pantry (Ordway
    Elementary, WA)

  14. Donating coffee to “Coffee for Cops” or to your local law enforcement offices (Rucker Elementary, TX)

  15. Writing a letter to a soldier in the Wounded Warrior program, thanking them for their service (Augusta Circle Elementary, SC)

Inspiration Station: September Edition!

We love seeing the amazing creativity our schools put in to make their Raise Craze fundraiser a success. From 280+ Acts of Kindness in ONE NIGHT to fun ways to incorporate your teachers - here are a few fun ideas that have stood out to us! We hope they can inspire you as well :-)

  1. Rucker Elementary (Prosper, TX) - High School Students During Car Line During multiple mornings of student drop-off, Rucker Elementary had band members and athletes from the local high school come and welcome them into school. They held inspirational signs that promoted KINDNESS so the students could start their day off right!

  2. Ketterlinus Elementary (St.Augustine, FL) - 280+ Acts of Kindness Completed in One Night Ketterlinus Elementary hosted a Raise Craze Service Night that connected their school families with local organizations. Students were able to create paper flowers for a local nursing home, write thank you notes to servicemen & women, and decorate napkins for Meals on Wheels. They also collected donations for various causes!

  3. Franklin Elementary (Park Ridge, IL) - Teachers Inspiring Students Franklin Elementary has incorporated their faculty into their Incentive Plan by offering Teacher Experiences as prizes for top students. A couple examples include “Crafting with Winner & 3 Friends” and “Lunch and a Zumba Class”. It’s a great way for teachers to get involved while sharing some of their hobbies with their students!

  4. Baker Elementary (Prosper, TX) - Honoring Heroes for 9/11 Baker Elementary kicked off their Raise Craze fundraiser by honoring servicemen & women on 9/11. This set the tone for their campaign and encouraged the students to think outside of themselves just like these individuals did.